Sunday, March 1, 2009

Only in Dominica - The Hitchhicker

On my island home, hitching a ride is not only a necessity at times, but it's an almost unavoidable part of our culture. As inconvenient, and imposing as it can be, it is what it is - With a transportation system like ours, face it, we have all had to tough it out on the shrubby 'highways' at one point or another.

Needless to describe how annoying, and disconcerting it can be for the person desirous of a ride... but what about that driver who stops, sometimes only as an after thought, or after being bitten by a persistent conscience?

My dad recounts this experience:

He had been coming from work one afternoon, and was meant to pass in through Salisbury. While driving, he had passed this man in Layou, who had flagged him down... hesitating, he stopped for the guy. Unknowing to him, a rather rotund woman who was also standing along side the road, hopped on. No comment from my dad- only the "Oh boy" look.

The male passenger disembarks in St Joseph, leaving only the woman on board, who, to put it nicely, would make no better company than a swarm of starving mosquitoes.

Upon arrival in Salisbury, my dad stops along the highway so the woman could get off.

Woman- "But is not der i going. Right Portsmouth oui I have to go."
Dad - "Lady, I have to go up to Salisbury."
Woman - "But why you pick me up if is der you going?"

My Dad cringes, sucks his teeth.. but says nothing.

Murmuring and mumbling as she wobbles off the vehicle, she marches up to the drivers window..."Well den give me $5 to pay my bus nah man?"



DelroyNesta said...

lol, what bout those that walk away without even saying thank you, everyone in Dominica has that kinda experience either as a driver or the one hitching the ride...

living the good life said...

So funny and so true. Reminded me of when someone in Town asked my husband for a dollar. My husband gave him one dollar EC the man became angry and said "no no.I want a US dollar. You owe me another dollar fifty EC. All we could do is laugh and tell him to get lost.

living the good life said...

p.s I'll work on those childhood stories.It takes me awhile. My writing skills suck.

Chad said...

LMAO. That was funny! Think u're gonna have to borrow this post to me sometime wen i can't think of anything to blog about! i'll give ur proper credit of course and post your link.