Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rainy day...

Today was a surprise rainy day, both inside and out. How do I offset this sick feeling I got in the pit of my stomach. Ever have that feeling that you're making a big mistake trusting certain people? Thats what I'm going through right now. Its scary... super scary!

Watch this space though... Some mental renovation pending!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Mechanical Belt

Dominica is a lovely place to be. Relaxing.. and easy going. Sadly, many of the things that we perceive to be beneficial are read in completely different ways by other people who come here. To a Dominican, we may be "relaxed", while a foreigner might perceive us as being "lazy". Things Dominicans might view as being "easy going", a person coming to live here on a short term views to be in efficiency.

I find myself in a very strange place on the topic- completely understanding how a foreigner might feel here; while on the other hand, I have also learnt to adapt, survive and love our way of life.

This week, my Boss and I had to make some serious decisions about what we were going to do about one of my little students. So belittled and demeaned was he, that he wouldn't even allow himself to succeed for fear of failure. He and I got to talking. The compassion in his eyes as we spoke of how circumstances had so conspired against this youth, really moved something on the inside of me. Had I been alone at the time I might have been reduced to tears.

Was there a way we could effect such a change in his mind that he could actually see that he has potential beyond this 8 by 10 foot wooden shack that he calls home? That school is not punishment. That he can be more than all that surrounds him daily. To show him that YES HE CAN!

How streaming in our education system has hurt the lives and minds of many a young person. Is there anything we can do? He looked at me, eyes full of sullen defeat, as he confided in me that for the first time in his life, he could not find a way to beat this.

How do we help our policy makers to treat the children as the precious resources that they are. That they need to stop moving our children along the mechanical belt of our school system, where the slower minds are simply sidelined.

How do we help our people to stop being so divided politically, religiously and even racially. We have a nation to build. If not us, then who?

I suspect that for the most part, people come here, with all the best intentions seeing the limitless potential of all our resources - human and natural alike. They leave eventually, feeling like they have just been beating against a proverbial wall. As we, so stuck in our ways, continue to beat our children, destroy our rivers, neglect the less able, and fight amongst ourselves over matters that are less than trivial.

I too see no clear end to this. I pray that some day, we will rise above our own mental handicaps. Maybe it's the dreamer in me.. someday, I believe we can!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Angel's Response to "The I's have it"

Monday!!! If we say TGIF when Friday comes around.. what do you say when you wake up to greet the sun on a Monday morning?? Got loads to say.. The week end was GREAT!!! More on the later in the week most likely.

I checked my messages and one very intelligent friend of mine wrote me this response to the post "The I's Have it" posted on the 12th of July. Hopefully she doesn't sue me for posting it on here.. LOL.

" I like your article on "The I's Have It", you are right, i find it interesting. However, the constant use of the pronoun I, may not be a reflection of how self- absorbed we are, but something less harsh. Generally people revert to what they know best i.e themselves. Thus, most people only choose to talk about themselves because that's all they know. I guess only a stalker would be able to talk about someone else as enthusiastically as they would themselves lol. Also, there are a limited amount of words available in the English language to allow one to address themselves, only stuck with the main four. hmmmm lemme think, I or Me, Mine or My.... slim pickings.

These words are typically used when getting to know a new person, or when conversing with someone you know. It's a necessity when talking and more often that not- in my opinion- engaging for both parties. I like to talk with others, and for them to talk about themselves. Otherwise the conversation would be rooted on a bunch of "you"s being thrown around, (easily leading to compliments) resulting in not attaining any real depth or understanding of who the person is in front of you.

Listening is great, but is it really self absorbed to say I regularly? How can you explain to someone, you've gone through what they're are going through without using I. Or talk about your day without using I, or explain where you're from, explain how to treat an injury from your own past experience, or talk about culture, history, or anything in the world that relates to you in any way, i think the list can go on and on.

That exercise that you encouraged your readers to do, you know don't say I for at least 10 mins. That reminds me of something my Secondary School teacher did. We couldn't use any conjunctions throughout a 5min conversation. Same principal and quite humorous to observe. As you suggested on your blog "..try to use the word I less.." Good suggestion, but don't forget there is always my, mine, and me.. ;)"

This is one example of an excellent response!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

...When sleep evades you!

Is it me, or have I been tired for the better part of this week. For some reason, every night this week I've been going to bed really late. Last night was no exception. And there I had been planning how restful my night was going to be. As if that wasn't enough, adding insult to injury. Before I knew it, my eyes flew open just past 5:00am and I couldn't go back to sleep! What a great start to a day. Ominous if you ask me!

Three friends and I were supposed to have zoomed off to another friend's house this weekend, scheduled to have been there from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Something came up though.. so now we're leaving today. Still, I'm thankful for the extra day home, and am planning on making maximum use of it.

Yesterday, in classic J* style.. I 'docked' an ex-friend I saw in town. I just wasn't in the mood to handle the pretense of pleasantries that I was pretty sure would ensue. Which attitude was I displaying?

A) Consideration of the other persons feelings
B) It was a completely rational thing to do at the time
C) Self preservation
D) ...Baaaa humbug!!

Whatever you've chosen, allow me to assure you that I'm usually a pretty 'nice' person, usually.

You know what.. I think I need a good camera. When the skies are dark.. and the moon is low.. those thousands of stars that adorn the smooth onyx velvet that is the sky makes my heart to melt. I don't know.. there's just something about it that I so wish I could capture in my memory forever! Tried taking a pic one night with a canon digital... Three thumbs down! Soo.. my wish list will continue to grow.

This is my favouritest ever night sky picture!! Eli, who blogs at took this amazing picture while he was a weekend trip in Dominica! He was kind enough to allow me to use it for this post. Thanks Eli! Check out his blog. He's also got some pretty awesome pictures on his flickr page! I didn't get permission to post that link yet.. sooo too bad for you! LOL..

I'm off to the east. It promises to be a blast! You have a good weekend!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The I's have it!

Reading through the my posts and the posts of my friends and something caught my attention: the use of the pronoun 'I' is a very prominent feature. Ok.. so one would be tempted to ask, "Errr... and your point is..??" To which my response would be the following:

Always, I've had an overwhelming concern about whether the use of the word 'I' in our daily conversations was a reflection of how self absorbed we were. ! Consequently, one day I decided to check my use of 'I'. The results of my little 'I' project left me somewhat stumped as it was hardly as easy as I first thought it would be. And to think, this fixation with the omnipresent 'I' didn't just start when you hit puberty! There is therefor great temptation to conclude that there is some degree of selfishness related to the excessive use of the word 'I'.

Would it be fair though to make such an assessment? Honestly? Think about it for a little while. That you could, in a 10 minutes of conversation use the word 'I' 20 times? What could it possibly say about ones ability to be considerate about 'others'? The premise here would be that your feelings, wants and opinions need to be given a voice, while those of others need not be heard at that time.

What if we all, for one day, made a greater effort to be more considerate? Maybe try to use the word 'I' less. I guarantee you, having tried, that it sounds far easier than it actually is. The next time you converse with someone, take note of how many times the word 'I' sneaks in.

Online I found this little dialogue between John and his Coach during a basket ball game:

Coach: There is no I in the word TEAM John

John: No Coach, just M and E!

LOL.. good luck. It will be interesting to see how successful you are.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The attack of the "Things To Do List"

... I NEED SLEEP!! My friend was making fun of the fact that I am easily busied with all manner of "trivial" tasks. In some ways I believe his is right, but I find myself in a common fix since i see very few tasks as being trivial.

My exhaustion is due to the fact that I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning readying myself for the classes i were to teach. I can be quite anal about being unprepared. I could never sleep knowing that I hadn't prepared a lesson. Does any one have a word to describe that?

I've got an immense list of things I need to do within the next 4 hours, 5 of which include:

1. Laundry
2. Call Lois
3. Wash hair
4. Prep next week's lessons
5. Type out and edit OM letter invite

So far so good huh?.. as soon as I'm done with this blog, I'll start my hair thing. Normally, I'd just leave the lesson prep till Saturday, or maybe even Sunday, but this weekend is setting up to be quite the trip. I will not chance it!

That letter needed to be typed quite some time ago. I'll get it done soon though. I don't know, I guess it just isn't a priority item on my "Things To Do List". Oops... sorry!

Following the meeting last night, I have yet more information to gather for the community web site that we're planning to launch in August. Things appear to be rolling on smoothly, but we are all very much aware of the work that remains to be done. So far, most villagers are quite intrigued by the idea, and are ever willing to volunteer information on the general history of the community.

Since being involved in this, I have found out some pretty impressive facts about our little Western Cove. I didn't know that there was, in the olden days, a gas station right in the center of the village, church located on an empty lot near my house, or that the old jetty on the bay side was used as a dock for banana boats. Seems like we have a very rich history that many villagers aren't even aware of! This web site will be a welcome source of information for all members of the community both here and abroad. Again.. wish us luck!

The hordes are calling, and I must oblige! May not be able to blog again till Monday, so... TTFN! :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

... Hibiscus "tea"?!?!

That was Simon's exclamation when i pulled out my home brewed 'universal indicator'. And yup.. it worked like a charm. We had to test the pH of 7 various solutions. Of course, holding true to tradition, my dear student Nathan forgot to bring the lime... so much for citric acid! We ended up having only one thing testing positive for the presence of acid! Still, the boys enjoyed themselves. Boys will be boys, so, needless to say, after we were done with the testing, the syringes we had used became the latest invention of amusement!! Arrgggg.. Thank God for patience!!

Moving on. My Boss and I have been having some pretty enlightening discussions lately. I like my Boss! Yes.. you heard right. (Actually, i guess i should say you 'read' right?) He's such a cool guy. Very logical and intellectual, but he also has an amazing ability to be just like an uncle or friend. Because of that, he's incredibly difficult to label. I think he prides himself on that. You should meet him sometime. Find his number in the directory under Self Assured Truth Finder. If not there, then check Disturbingly Honest, Shrewd, or maybe Quick Witted! Lemme know if you find it.

Today, he handed me a paper he wrote on liturgy in his church. He writes these papers off and on. Last week, i got one on the churches role in gay marriages. He's got a pretty understandable stance on the matter. The shocker comes in the logic that motivates his stance. Again- completely logical and devoid of all emotion and 'religiosity'! He turns over the idea that marriages are conducted in church to honour the 'love' shared by a couple. Historically, that is not the case! Who would've thought to factor that in! Brilliant if you ask me!

It's still early, 3:16pm on point! The day is young and there is much to be done. We've got a meeting tonight. I'm handing in the articles i was assigned to type out for the web site that we want to launch in early August. I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully all things glide along smoothly! Cross you fingers!

Heres a poem i was given a few months ago.. i really liked it. Thought i should share...

DESIDERATA - by max ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career,
however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann c.1920

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is it procrastination.. or ambition?

Sooo.... its been more than a year since I've posted anything on here. (I have no idea why).. Maybe you can tell me. It seems like its a combination of having too little unfocused time.. and no thinking that i my thoughts can be put to words.

Sitting here.. i was really trying to figure out two things . One...what i was thinking when i started this blog... i now realise that i may just have been overly ambitious; and two.. why does my blog, that just happens to be a year old only have two posts prior to this one? .. procrastination maybe? I would hate to think that that's the reason. I prefer to think of myself as a very proficient individual.

Since my last post... a lot has happened. I've taught at a high school for a month- during that time, i remembered why i left the profession!.. LOL. Teaching these days can be mucho stressful! The odd part is that i really do like teaching.. almost as much as i like learning. It was a real challenge. I had to make a concerted effort to walk into every class with my game face on! Students have this innate ability to psycho-analyse a teacher within the few moments that they encounter her. I was intent on being read as a no nonsense disciplinarian. Of course.. after the first week or so, that act practically fell through the floor! Suffice to say i had to dip into my bag of tricks to find other ways of ensuring proper student conduct! Trick # 2: The most ill mannered pupil in the class shall be given responsibilities.. and PRESTO!!.. worked like a charm!

Now.. i do private one-on-one tutoring with one student, we shall call him Simon. He's a bright young lad.. who has unfortunately been side-lined by our very efficient education system- (please note my sarcasm!!). I don't think i could have worked this out better if i tried. To see the improvement in his learning math and reading skills is payment enough! Maybe somebody somewhere will see how well this works and then make provisions for other students in similar situations.

Today was good fun. I now have two students, Simon is now accompanied by his friend whom we shall call Nathan. While we were doing geometry.. this very unfortunate pigeon flew through the door.. and into one of the big glass windows, and crashes WHAM!!! Young Simon nearly fell out of his chair. It was quite funny to see his reaction! That the poor thing must have broken its wing became evident, since it failed to fly off when Simon took it outside, and tried to get it to fly in his own gentle way - by throwing it off the balcony! Hey... i did say in HIS OWN gentle way!

Tomorrow.. we do a acid/ base indicator test! Since we don't have our at home laboratory does not have litmus or universal indicator.. our indicator shall be a "hibiscus tea"! That should be fun!