Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is it procrastination.. or ambition?

Sooo.... its been more than a year since I've posted anything on here. (I have no idea why).. Maybe you can tell me. It seems like its a combination of having too little unfocused time.. and no thinking that i my thoughts can be put to words.

Sitting here.. i was really trying to figure out two things . One...what i was thinking when i started this blog... i now realise that i may just have been overly ambitious; and two.. why does my blog, that just happens to be a year old only have two posts prior to this one? .. procrastination maybe? I would hate to think that that's the reason. I prefer to think of myself as a very proficient individual.

Since my last post... a lot has happened. I've taught at a high school for a month- during that time, i remembered why i left the profession!.. LOL. Teaching these days can be mucho stressful! The odd part is that i really do like teaching.. almost as much as i like learning. It was a real challenge. I had to make a concerted effort to walk into every class with my game face on! Students have this innate ability to psycho-analyse a teacher within the few moments that they encounter her. I was intent on being read as a no nonsense disciplinarian. Of course.. after the first week or so, that act practically fell through the floor! Suffice to say i had to dip into my bag of tricks to find other ways of ensuring proper student conduct! Trick # 2: The most ill mannered pupil in the class shall be given responsibilities.. and PRESTO!!.. worked like a charm!

Now.. i do private one-on-one tutoring with one student, we shall call him Simon. He's a bright young lad.. who has unfortunately been side-lined by our very efficient education system- (please note my sarcasm!!). I don't think i could have worked this out better if i tried. To see the improvement in his learning math and reading skills is payment enough! Maybe somebody somewhere will see how well this works and then make provisions for other students in similar situations.

Today was good fun. I now have two students, Simon is now accompanied by his friend whom we shall call Nathan. While we were doing geometry.. this very unfortunate pigeon flew through the door.. and into one of the big glass windows, and crashes WHAM!!! Young Simon nearly fell out of his chair. It was quite funny to see his reaction! That the poor thing must have broken its wing became evident, since it failed to fly off when Simon took it outside, and tried to get it to fly in his own gentle way - by throwing it off the balcony! Hey... i did say in HIS OWN gentle way!

Tomorrow.. we do a acid/ base indicator test! Since we don't have our at home laboratory does not have litmus or universal indicator.. our indicator shall be a "hibiscus tea"! That should be fun!


Anonymous said...

You made some excellent points there. I did a search on the subject and barely got any specific details on other websites, but then great to be here, seriously, thanks.

- Lucas

Anonymous said...

hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o: